Smoking-Induced DNA Mutations: A Gateway to Cancer Development

Smoking-Induced DNA Mutations A Gateway to Cancer Development

A study by the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research reveals how smoking triggers cancer development. The research found that smoking initiates “stop-gain” mutations in the DNA, leading to the inhibition of protective proteins that regulate cell growth. This disruption allows abnormal cells to proliferate unchecked, potentially promoting cancer onset. The study also demonstrated a strong correlation between smoking duration, intensity, and mutation occurrence. These findings improve understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying smoking-induced cancer.

Vaping vs Smoking: Assessing Risks and Effects

When it comes to the debate between vaping and smoking, both activities come with their own set of risks and consequences. Despite ongoing research, the long-term health effects of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are not yet fully understood, and scientific evidence points to them not being a safe alternative to smoking.

Vaping Leads To People Losing Sense Of Taste

Vaping leads to Vaper's tongue

Is vaping bad for your health? There are many facts which are not established about vaping, including what chemicals make up the vapor and how they affect the physical health of users over the long term. Recently, electronic cigarettes otherwise known as e-cigarettes, or vape pens, are being prescribed to smokers as an easy way … Read more