Egypt Certified Malaria-Free by WHO

Egypt is certified malaria-free by WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) has officially certified Egypt as malaria-free, marking a significant public health achievement for the nation of over 100 million people. This success comes after nearly a century of efforts by the Egyptian government and citizens to eradicate a disease that has affected the country since ancient times. -Adverstisement- “Malaria is … Read more

Global Health Urgency: Climate and Health Take Center Stage at COP28

Global Health Urgency Climate and Health Take Center Stage at COP28

In the lead-up to COP28, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the global health community are sounding a clarion call for immediate action on the nexus of climate change and health. This concerted effort aims to thrust health considerations to the forefront of global discussions, compelling leaders and negotiators to recognize their responsibility in safeguarding … Read more

WHO Seeks Clarity on Child ‘Pneumonia Clusters’ in China: Urges Protective Measures

WHO Seeks Clarity on Child 'Pneumonia Clusters' in China Urges Protective Measures

Amid reports of “clusters of undiagnosed pneumonia” affecting children in northern China, the World Health Organization (WHO) has formally requested more information from Chinese authorities. Non-state media has highlighted overwhelmed pediatric hospitals in certain regions, prompting concerns.

Integrating Health into Climate Change Strategies: WHO Urges Urgent Action Ahead of COP-28

Integrating Health into Climate Change Strategies WHO Urges Urgent Action Ahead of COP-28

In anticipation of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP-28), the World Health Organization (WHO) has released its “2023 review of health in nationally determined contributions and long-term strategies.” This report underscores the imperative of prioritizing health within national plans to combat climate change.

Advancing Global Efforts: GONE – The Global Onchocerciasis Network for Elimination

Advancing Global Efforts GONE – The Global Onchocerciasis Network for Elimination

Gathering more than 150 dedicated partners, the Global Onchocerciasis Network for Elimination (GONE) convened for its inaugural meeting on November 1 and 2, 2023, in Mbour, Senegal. This important event aimed to foster collaboration among countries and organizations to collectively address the challenge of onchocerciasis and progress toward its elimination.

Seventy Nations Unite to Strengthen Primary Health Care

Seventy Nations Unite to Strengthen Primary Health Care

Just one month following the resolute global commitment to intensify efforts towards achieving universal health coverage (UHC) at the United Nations General Assembly, a gathering of 70 countries convened to elevate investments in primary health care (PHC) by 2030.