A recent study published in the journal PLOS One reveals that foods and drinks packaged with colorful labels and appealing cartoons targeted at children are often higher in sugar and lower in other essential nutrients. The research analyzed nearly 6,000 packaged food items to examine their marketing strategies aimed at children and their nutritional content.
Dr. Christine Mulligan, the lead study author from the University of Toronto, expressed concern over the powerful marketing tactics used to target children. Many products in grocery stores are designed to appeal to kids and are heavily marketed to them. Unfortunately, these products tend to be unhealthy and of poorer nutritional quality compared to products not targeted at children.
Companies often use marketing aimed at children because children are likely to become loyal consumers as adults. This strategy encourages them to keep coming back to these products in the future. Dr. Maya Adam, a clinical associate professor at the Stanford School of Medicine, emphasizes that while adults take precautions to protect children in various aspects of life, the food industry promotes less healthy options to the most vulnerable members of society through these marketing strategies.
The study focused on products at a specific point in time, potentially underestimating the full extent of marketing children are exposed to on food packaging. Children are targeted with food marketing from various sources, including television, social media, sports events, community centers, and even schools. Such marketing impacts children’s eating habits, leading to poor dietary choices that can affect their long-term health.
This issue is not limited to Canada, where the study was conducted; it is a global problem. Governments need to regulate companies’ ability to target children directly with marketing for products that may harm their health. These regulations must be comprehensive to effectively protect children from harmful marketing practices in all aspects of their lives.
In the meantime, families can make changes at home to mitigate the impact of marketing on their children’s food choices. Cooking more at home allows parents to control the amount of fat, sugar, and salt in their children’s food, promoting healthier eating habits. Additionally, involving children in family grocery shopping and discussing marketing tactics can help them make informed and healthier choices when it comes to food consumption.