A recent report by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) reveals a disconcerting surge in non-communicable disease (NCD) related fatalities in the country, particularly significant is the drastic rise in deaths attributed to diabetes. With a more than twofold increase in the past decade, these fatalities surpassed 26,800 in 2018, compared to 19,692 in 2008.
Diabetes Impact and Consequences
Diabetes, a chronic condition disrupting the body’s ability to convert food into energy, raises glucose levels in the blood, leading to severe health problems. Complications range from nerve damage to heart disease, stroke, vision loss, kidney issues, and mental health impacts. If left untreated or poorly managed, diabetes can even result in death. However, with proper management, individuals with diabetes can lead a fulfilling life.
Undiagnosed Diabetes Cases
Statistics from the International Diabetes Federation alarmingly state that 50% of South Africans with diabetes are unaware of their condition, leading to advanced organ damage upon diagnosis.
Disproportionate Impact
The study indicated racial differences in diabetes-related mortality, primarily affecting women, who accounted for 60% of deaths. While the numbers are escalating in black and coloured communities, a decline was observed among the Indian/Asian population.
Impact on the Health System
Suboptimal management of diabetes in South Africa results in preventable complications and fatalities, causing a surge in healthcare costs. It’s estimated that diabetes-related expenses in the public sector accounted for around R2.7 bn, which could significantly escalate to R21.8 bn if undiagnosed cases are considered, approximating 12% of the national health budget in 2018.
Interventions and Strategies
Preventing and managing complications more efficiently is crucial to prevent fatalities and reduce expenses. An integrated, person-centered approach to diabetes management, aligning with international recommendations, can help prevent costly complications.
The National Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases aims at the ’90-60-50′ targets for diabetes and hypertension. This plan includes diagnosing 90%, intervening in 60%, and achieving control in 50% of the affected population. However, challenges in implementation persist due to a lack of comprehensive data on diabetes and NCD surveillance.
Strategies to combat diabetes and NCDs necessitate strengthening the health system, capacitating the healthcare workforce, implementing widespread diabetes education, and robust health promotion initiatives focusing on modifiable risk factors like unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, and tobacco use. Additionally, evaluating the cost-effectiveness of introducing new drugs and technologies in the public sector is crucial.
The rise in diabetes-related deaths in South Africa demands urgent attention, necessitating concerted efforts, innovative strategies, and substantial resource allocation to mitigate the surging fatalities and their economic consequences.